Friday, November 4, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 20: I've Got The Power

Another long ass work day. At least it was a work from home day. Getting to see the fam's faces always helps. I'm still not 100%, but I didn't get any worse. The bum who does odd yard work for me actually showed up when he said he would and got my leaves up before the rain came, so that was good too.

It's 3 AM Eastern, so this will be yet another quickie. After yesterday's post, a friend told me that if I turned off the automatic time zone feature, that it may help me out, even though I thought I was already good. I turned the time zone thingy off, and got the phone off the charger at 8 AM this morning. I had 3 hour long conference calls, 4 or 5 normal convos, a little heavier than usual texting, probably a little lighter than usual surfing and social networking, some picture and video shooting of the boys, and the download of some app updates and one new app ( has an app). It's a little after 3 and I'm at 9%. Yup, still no complaints from me.

7:15 is coming soon. Let me get what I can before then...

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