Friday, October 4, 2013

iPhone 5s Day 8: A conversation with "Siri"

Nothing much doing today. Nothing new discovered on the phone, though I didn't really get to mess with it much, and I'm running on fumes, so today's post will be a conversation with "Siri":

Me: What is your name?

"Siri":  My name is Siri.

Me:  What is your sign?

"Siri":  It is nice of you to ask. Can I help you with something?

Me: I just want to get to know you better.

"Siri": I'd like that, Marco, but I'm afraid it's impossible.

Me: Did you know that the impossible only takes a little bit longer?

"Siri": I'm sorry, Marco, I'm afraid I can't answer that.

Me: So, what are you wearing?

"Siri": In the cloud, no one knows what you're wearing.

Me: Maybe I should come to the cloud with you.

"Siri": Who, me?

Me: Yes you. And you should bring a friend.

"Siri": I should, eh?

Me: Yes. We should have some fun beneath the sheets.

"Siri": I don't know what you mean by 'We should have some fun beneath the sheets'. How about a web search for it?

Me: You're ruining the mood Siri.

"Siri": You're certainly entitled to that opinion.

Me: We'll continue this conversation later.

"Siri": I can't wait Marco.

Me: I bet you can't.

"Siri": I'm not sure what you mean by that?

Me: Don't worry about it.

"Siri": Ok, I won't.

Very boring conversation, I know. Maybe some interesting stuff will happen tomorrow. My mom's church is having a fish fry. Maybe I can find an excuse to use the slo-mo feature...

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