Wednesday, November 9, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 25: Burn Baby Burn

I spent most, well actually all of the day putting out fires at work. The funny part is the fires happened the day before and nobody seemed to notice or care, which made it easier to fix. Today was lots of explaining and reassuring. Oh well, too much going on to fire me. At least that's my mindset, although with my luck I'll be proven wrong.

The boys and I went recycling today. It's actually one of Isandro's favorite things to do. Fernando was just happy to be carted around. He's learned to wave and clap, which is always cute to see a baby do.

I was taught a couple things about the phone today. If you're sending text messages via iMessage, the bubbles are colored differently than when it's a regular text message. I'm sure some of you are saying "You're on an unlimited text plan, why do you care?" I don't, other than knowing the person I'm communicating with is on an iDevice of some sort. Maybe I want to FaceTime instead of text? By the way, to date I have still only had a FaceTime session with myself. Very sad, I know, don't judge me. The other thing is that in most apps that scroll up and down, if you double tap the top bar, it will power scroll to the top end of the scroll. Just a handy trick I have already found myself using.

I still haven't looked for a new browser. I might mess with that tomorrow. I will also download some news apps. Hopefully CBS Atlanta has a Markina Brown app. I'd pay more than my lap dance limit for that one.

I can still get almost 7 hours of sleep if I quit now. Get Isandro to school on time is the goal tomorrow. It's been at least a couple weeks...


  1. I am so sad to see you have gone to the dark side. At some point you will want to tweek or modify and suddenly realize you are in a tiny walled garden, and you will hop over the fence into Android land. Dont worry your old friend Aaron (whom was the one to drag you kicking and screaming to the treo and palm in the first place) will be there to help you overcome your agrophobia and enjoy the full world on your phone!!

  2. I did enough tinkering and modifying with the Pre to last a lifetime. I will probably end up in Droidland one day. Tell Karyn and the boys as well as the guys in the lab I said hello. I'll have to come up there and visit soon.
