Wednesday, November 2, 2011

iPhone 4a Day 18: More Of The Same

Life is feeling a little monotonous right now. I get awoken a bit too early for a work issue, solve it in time to realize that going back to bed would be a waste of time, get the boys up, breakfast, work some more, play with the boys, conference calls, email, naps, play some more, work some more, dinner, bedtime for the boys, hang with wifey, work a little bit more, and then bedtime. I should have fit a workout in there somewhere but I just wasn't feeling it today. I have a vacay coming at the end of the month and it appears I'll need it desperately by then.

Not much new going on with the phone. The second to last person I know who still owns and uses a Pre got her iPhone in so I've only got one person left. We had a little convo where she had forgotten what she wanted to ask me, and I told her she should have had "Siri" remind her. She replied that the iPhone was at home because "it was cold outside." That was a good laugh. The real reason is that she is waiting for her case to come in before taking the phone out of the house, which is not unreasonable to a technology aficionado like myself. I'm sure some people would find that weird.

Oh I almost forgot: the phone suffered its second drop today and it was in spectacular fashion. The early morning call I got, I basically sleep walk to the work laptop downstairs, put the phone on top of the laptop lid which is closed, sit down, and then fling the laptop lid open. I might have screamed like a school girl if I were more awake. Once again the case did its job. I did notice that the screen protector has suffered some puncture type marks, but upon closer inspection, the marks don't go all the way through, making it too well worth the money. I assume the marks are probably from my keys.

I did download one app, eVite. Unfortunately I have forgotten my password for eVite, and when I did the forgot password routine, it sent me a link that when viewed on this contraption, sent me to a login page again instead of a password reset screen. I'll try a desktop tomorrow.

Aight, I'm fighting a little cold that I think the boys gave me. Let me allow this NyQuil to work its magic.

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