Tuesday, November 15, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 31: The Final Countdown

I was going to make this post solely about my first 30 full days with the iPhone, and do some last comparisons, and have an epic conclusion, but I have to start out with this: I woke up 45 minutes late today. I still managed to get Isandro and I out of the house just 2 minutes later than I did on Friday. To recap in case you didn't read that post, I left the house at 8:15 and got Isandro to school at 8:45, which is 15 minutes early. Today I left the house at 8:17, and got to school at 9:07, which if your math and reading comprehension is at a GED level, is 7 minutes late. I do realize that Friday was a banking holiday, but even still, both 285 and 85 had issues which messed up the surface streets even worse than usual. FMMFL (the extra "MF" is for emphasis).

I have talked to a few converts to iPhones, and it's weird how we all had the same summary about it:  "It just works." That's the main thing. I've only had one random reboot in the month. The Pre had a few a week, including the picture debacle where I had one picture from my Treo 700P that caused the Pre to literally lock up as soon as I transferred it onto the phone. That picture was the cause of two returned Pres. I had been without an insane selection of apps for so long that I thought I didn't need them. It just turns out I didn't have them. I'm already at near double the amount of apps I had on the Pre, and none of them are fart apps or pictures of some insanely hot chick apps. It's blazingly fast. I don't have much experience with Android phones but the ones I messed with weren't this fast or responsive. I have a friend that would call me a clone, but I see why the masses like this thing. When people around me were sending group MMS messages, I had no idea I was only responding to the sender. Now I'm in the convo like everyone else. It seems like everything is made for the iPhone first, and everything else second. It feels nice to be included. It also feels nice not to have to mess with the phone. Sure there is some customization I missing be able to do, but it works so well that I can live without them. The only thing I'm considering jailbreaking the phone for the mod that puts wifi and bluetooth buttons in the Notifications dropdown instead of having to dig through the Settings app. I was the outsider for 2.5 years, and while I still love the Pre, I held on to it way longer than I should have, like a significant other where the sex was good and everything else was crappy. I use that analogy a lot, I'm going to have to think of another one.

I've gone over my negatives throughout this time, but the two I'm still having an issue with are the size and the virtual keyboard. Every time I think I've gotten over the size, I'll have it in my pocket and sit down, and swear the thing is going to snap in two. The Pre fit in the change pocket on most of my jeans. If I stuck the Pre in the same pocket as my wallet (I keep my wallet in my front pocket, chiropractor said so), it didn't cause an issue. This monstrosity needs its own pocket. It doesn't play well with my wallet or even my keys. I see why people keep it in their back pocket, but that is a risk I'm not willing to take. I feel like I bump it against everything. I have AppleCare, but I'd obviously rather not have to use it. The virtual keyboard sucks, plain and simple. The autocorrect helps a little, but it's not the same as being able to touch physical keys. My typing must have slowed down by half. That could be the only thing that would drive me to Android, but it'd have to be a portrait slider, which there aren't too many options for. A landscape slider would make my typing just as slow.

So I like the thing. I admit it. I also knew I'd like it, but I would have liked anything newer than what I had. I should have switched to something else, probably after 1.5 years, especially since I had yearly upgrades at the time. That was one of the first solid clues that Sprint was getting an iPhone, they killed the Premier program, where you got things like yearly upgrades for spending x amount of money or being a customer for 10+ years, which I qualified for both. I thought they were going to kill the unlimited plan, but that seems to be the only thing they have over the other two. Well their plans are generally cheaper, but their coverage is generally suckier. Is suckier a word? I'm going to try it in Words with Friends.

Lastly, would I recommend it to someone? Yes, especially if you're on AT&T where you can get a 3Gs for free if you just want the experience of an iPhone, but don't plan on storing lots of music or data intensive apps on it. If you want to customize or tinker, go with Android. I don't think I've mentioned Windows Mobile at all during these 30 days. Much like the Pre, I hear good things but have yet to see anyone with one. Windows has more money pushing it, as shown by the empty Windows Stores popping up next to Apple Stores the fire marshall should check occupancy on. And no Blackberry mention either, they're dying a slow painful death.

Oh man, I didn't mention what I think of  "Siri". "Siri" is still a little gimmicky to me, but slightly useful, especially for texting or dialing without touching the phone. You have to speak perfect English for the stuff you see her do in the commercial. Don't let my SAT score fool you, my English is far from perfect.

Ok, that's it for real. I'll continue to post random stuff, just not everyday. It was fun though, which is why I'll continue doing it. Thanks for following these 30 days, and stay tuned for whatever my perverted mind comes up with.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 30: There is only one day left...

I thought of making this the last post of this series, but I'm exhausted and I thought that going from the 14th to the 14th better suits my slight OCD.

The party was a success. Isandro went balls to the wall from 11 when he got to the park until 3 when we left. He tried to skip nap when we got home, but he apparently collapsed mid-play, as I found him in the middle of his bedroom floor when nap should have been over. He probably slept 20 minutes, and it took another 20 minutes to wake him up. He had a good time though, and racked up on the gifts to crowd our already overcrowded house. Time to give some of these old toys to Goodwill or something. Oh and I did have my clown apparel on. A kid asked me what my name was, and I told him I was Homie the Clown. I couldn't help it. I didn't say that I didn't play that, so that should count for something.

The Falcons suck. The fans rise up. The players lay down. Hopefully the Giants will take me back.

Still haven't bought the interval training app. Not sure what I'm stalling for.

I tried SoundHound to figure out a song. It couldn't do it after trying like 5 times. I open Shazam and it gets it on the first try. SoundHound may be on the way out.

I think that's it for today. Let me get to bed as I attempt to get Isandro to school on time two days in a row. Wish me luck...

iPhone 4s Day 29: Anonymous

I couldn't think of a name for this post. It was a pretty busy day getting ready for Isandro's party. Trips to a few stores and the grocery store took up most of the day. FYI, his birthday is next month. We wanted an outdoor party so we moved the party up a month. Markina says it will be a beautiful day, giving it an 8 on a scale from 1 to 10. It is also a costume party, so the kids can re-wear their Halloween outfits. I will have on a clown wig, tie and shoe covers. That should prove hilarious and/or embarrassing. I'll let you know tomorrow.

I did a lot of research on an interval training app since I refuse to pay the $3 for Tabata Timer Pro which I'm not even sure can do everything I want it to. I did find one called Fitness Round Timer Pro. It had a demo version that I downloaded and it meets all my demands. It has one little visual issue I don't like, but I can probably live with it, or do my usual write an email to the developer. It's $2, so I might get it and Tapatalk and finish blowing my iTunes card. By blowing I mean that in the most non-sexual way possible.

I used the Key Ring app at Kroger today. Worked like a charm. It appeared the cashier has dealt with this app before as he didn't even blink an eye when I showed him my phone. He just scanned it with the handheld scanner and kept it moving. Gives me high hopes for the other cards I scanned in.

Oh this was supposed to be mentioned the day Tech died (or lost, same difference), but I used Shazam to figure out the name of a song I thought would go good with my interval training playlist. Worked perfectly. I just have to hope the song that has haunted me for probably more than a decade pops up on the radio so I can figure it out as well.

Aight, let me get some sleep as I'm sure the first half off the day is going to be chaotic among other things. Nite biznatches.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 28: Working For The Weekend

This should really be called "Working Through The Weekend" as that is probably what I'm going to be doing. But enough about work. Guess what? I GOT ISANDRO TO SCHOOL EARLY TODAY!!! He was the first kid there. What I didn't mention yesterday due to the debacle that was the GT game, was that we had a parent-teacher conference with one of Isandro's teachers, and she mentioned how he misses some stuff and having to jump in the middle of whatever they were doing was sometimes difficult. This obviously made me feel like the crappiest parent ever. So I woke up a half hour early and subsequently got us out of the house that much earlier. Isandro did well with the new time. Me, not so much. The Starbucks barely helped. Wings Friday almost made me comatose. So maybe going to bed earlier might help.

I got another award off the same project. Not to bad for a project were I averaged 14 hours a day for a few months. Not sure if my previous issue is still happening but the system is now stable so hopefully it'll calm down.

The other thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that I hosted a karaoke event at work. Well, really I just operated the "karaoke" machine (basically a laptop with karaoke software, an amp, mics, and speakers). I accomplished my mission of not singing. And for my assistance, the actual hosts gave me a $10 gift card to iTunes. Which makes this a perfect segway into...

I bought the full version of Road Trip. Now I can put my maintenance reminders in it. I am waffling over buying a few apps: iStatus (posts to FB, Twitter and G+ at one time), Tapatalk (forum reader), and Tabata Timer Pro (interval training program). Road Trip cost me $5. iStatus is $1 and both Tapatalk and Tabata Timer Pro are $3. I could pay the $2 to get them all but I don't want to. I'm waiting for some price slash to hopefully get these other ones. I also downloaded Key Ring, after seeing a friend of mine's G+ post. It an app which replaces all those bar code tags you have sitting on your key ring. I'll hit a Kroger at some point to test it out, but it scanned the bar codes with no problems.

I am noticing the battery life improving a little bit after the 5.0.1 patch. I read that there are still complaints, so I guess a new release will be coming soon again.

Ok, the early start is making me have to redo every other sentence as my eyes keep closing. On tap for tomorrow: getting stuff for Isandro's early birthday party on Sunday. Good night peeps!

Friday, November 11, 2011

IPhone 4s Day 27: I'm Done

Georgia Tech lost. Season blown. Hello Truck Stop Bowl on blue carpet. It has totally thrown off today's post as I have nothing except expletives to say. I can't believe that linebacker punched VT's QB in the head after a loss of yardage on a third down play. Personal foul penalty, automatic first down, and then VT walks down the field to score. Fuckery.

I downloaded and installed the iOS 5.0.1 patch. The over the air patching went very smoothly. Too early to say if any gains were made. I'll report on it tomorrow. I connected my phone to the computer and iTunes put back the Priceline app I download previously and subsequently deleted after figuring out that it sucked like a porn star. I'll have to figure out how to permanently get rid of it. My assumption is I'll have to go into iTunes to do it.

I was comparing my iPhone to a coworker's Samsung Galaxy S, and hers froze in the middle of what she was demoing. Hilarity.

Oh well, a bad week turns into a worse one. Maybe I can get Isandro to school on time and that might reverse my fortune.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 26: Short and Sweet

This one is going to be really short since apparently waking up at 5:45 am translates to head nodding at almost 12:30.

I was late getting Isandro to school by 10 minutes. I-285 conspired against me, as did Clairmont Rd. We left 10 minutes early too. His teacher gave us an option of getting him there earlier than he's supposed to be dropped off so I'm going to try that.

I'm pretty sure my name is being dragged through the mud at work for the issue that happened on Monday, but it's ironic because the project team I was on won an award for accomplishing what many said was not possible, as well as working ridiculous hours to get it in, so random people are congratulating me. Yin Yang I guess.

I downloaded all the local news apps, CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, AP, and The USA Today apps. I have only opened the CBS Atlanta app in hopes that Markina had a special section. No such luck.

"Siri" will read cuss words that people text me. That was entertaining.

Damn it, work just called. No rest for the wicked as my grandmother would say...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 25: Burn Baby Burn

I spent most, well actually all of the day putting out fires at work. The funny part is the fires happened the day before and nobody seemed to notice or care, which made it easier to fix. Today was lots of explaining and reassuring. Oh well, too much going on to fire me. At least that's my mindset, although with my luck I'll be proven wrong.

The boys and I went recycling today. It's actually one of Isandro's favorite things to do. Fernando was just happy to be carted around. He's learned to wave and clap, which is always cute to see a baby do.

I was taught a couple things about the phone today. If you're sending text messages via iMessage, the bubbles are colored differently than when it's a regular text message. I'm sure some of you are saying "You're on an unlimited text plan, why do you care?" I don't, other than knowing the person I'm communicating with is on an iDevice of some sort. Maybe I want to FaceTime instead of text? By the way, to date I have still only had a FaceTime session with myself. Very sad, I know, don't judge me. The other thing is that in most apps that scroll up and down, if you double tap the top bar, it will power scroll to the top end of the scroll. Just a handy trick I have already found myself using.

I still haven't looked for a new browser. I might mess with that tomorrow. I will also download some news apps. Hopefully CBS Atlanta has a Markina Brown app. I'd pay more than my lap dance limit for that one.

I can still get almost 7 hours of sleep if I quit now. Get Isandro to school on time is the goal tomorrow. It's been at least a couple weeks...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 24: Stretching Thin

The good news is we've hired someone. The bad news is I will still have to work this hard until next year, which is when I think the "new" guy will be up to speed. There's a story about why new is in quotes, but I won't get into that here. I think I am starting to burn out a bit, but I have a vacay coming up in a couple weeks that will hopefully improve my attitude. I'm real close to cussing a couple people out and while I probably won't get fired for doing so, it won't be a good look.

Someone planned a lunch meeting today. That dude sucks ginormous donkey balls. At least they ordered pizza, but I didn't get a workout in. There's always tomorrow I suppose.

My check engine light came on a few days ago. The code is for one of the oxygen sensors. I reset it in the hopes that it was just a bad batch of gas that triggered to. The truck is almost 10 years old with 175k miles on it. The oxygen sensors could probably stand to be replaced anyhow. I'm waiting for Advance Auto to put out one of their 40% off coupons and then I'll get that done.

Nothing much going on with the phone. I found out the native Clock app has both a countdown timer and a stopwatch so my quest ended for that. I'm now looking for a new browser. Safari isn't rendering a couple pages I need to access properly. I had someone suggest a browser but I wanted to see what other browsers were out there. The Trillian app is working so well I got rid of the Facebook Messenger app, which was one of those apps I felt should have been rolled into the main app anyhow, so it was good to get rid of it. That reminds me that I want to see how the Google Voice app handles a phone call. It's doing quite well with texts.

Aight, a couple more rounds of Words With Friends and then I'll let Mr. Sandman knock me the hell out. MaƱana biznatches!

Monday, November 7, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 23: Last Minute Heroics

Another short one, as I'm hoping to do what the Giants and the Ravens did, which was to make it happen at the last moment. My project which went live this weekend is having a time zone issue and I don't control the portion that can fix it, so I'm waiting for someone else to take care of that part. Hopefully they'll get it before 6:15 or all hell will break loose. Well it probably won't be that bad, but close enough.

The guy I played against in my fantasy football league had both Aaron Rodgers and Julio Jones. Needless to say, I got demolished.

I downloaded the Trillian app today. I used Trillian as my all-in-one IM solution on my laptop so it made sense to use them on the phone. I didn't get IMmed by anyone today so I'll have to force someone to do it tomorrow. I also downloaded the Kroger app. It will let me add coupons to my Kroger Plus card, but I don't see any other added benefit, so we'll see if I keep it. The LinkedIn app is one if the nicer looking apps that I've seen. The app they put out for webOS was pretty craptacular, so at least I know they had talented programmers doing something.

I'm certain I'm going to get called sometime shortly, but I'm going to bed anyhow. I'm thinking venti salted caramel white chocolate mocha in the AM...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 22: Low Tide

Definitely a lazy day. Hung out in our pajamas most of the day. I only went out to attempt to score a deal on a new DECT 6.0 phone set for the house, which did not pan out, and to get dinner. After the boys went to bed, we watched the Alabama vs LSU game, hyped as the Game of the Century, and it actually lived up to the name. No touchdowns scored, and it went into overtime. Alabama missed 4 field goals during the game, which I believe to be their downfall. LSU's defense did a good job on limiting the damage Trent Richardson did. I had not really seen him play until today, and that dude is a beast. I'm not sure who else LSU has on the schedule, but their QB situation leaves a lot to be desired. I can see it biting them in the ass at some point. After a quick peek in the ESPN app, it appears LSU's next big challenge will be Arkansas. That should be a good game too.

Nothing new on the phone front, just more confirmation that Waze is killing my battery and my cheap ass chargers are barely charging. I downloaded the LinkedIn app but haven't opened it yet. I'm on the hunt for an app that has a stopwatch and a countdown timer like I had on my Pre. It appears in iOS land that there's two apps for that. Maybe that could be my foray into app writing. I have a game idea but I'd have to look into how you code using the accelerometer and the gyroscope. I probably need to figure out how to translate real life physics as well. I'm talking myself out of making this game as I type.

Oh I forgot to mention the other day that "Siri" and I had our first fight. The day I went to have drinks with some coworkers (Wednesday I believe), he suggested this Mexican restaurant called The Village Taqueria. It was formally called Lime, with the name change happening a few days ago. So I look up the directions on my work computer, but just for shiznits and grins, I have "Siri" get the directions for me as well. Or so I thought:

Me: Get directions for The Village Taqueria.
"Siri": I found a few places close by (all Mexican restaurants, none The Village Taqueria)
Me: (realizing the new name has probably not been updated in anyone's system yet) Get directions for Lime
"Siri": I found some businesses matching Line.
Me: Get directions for Lime (with a slightly different inflection)
"Siri": I found some businesses matching Line.
Me: Get directions for Lime (with extra emphasis on the "m")
"Siri": I cant find anything matching Lymah.
Me: (yelling now) Get directions for Lime!!!
"Siri": I found some businesses matching Line.
[repeat the Lime request and facepalm answer sequence at least 3 more times]
Me: Find me a Mexican restaurant.
"Siri": Here are several restaurants close by (lots of them, but not the one I wanted. Also she found restaurants way farther than the one I wanted)
Me: Fuck you "Siri"!!!
"Siri": I do not understand that.

"Siri" and I are going to have to work on our communication.

Aight, time to get a little shut eye. Holla!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 21: Murder She Wrote

I don't recommend trying to do much after 3 hours of sleep. I-285 was whore-rific today, so Isandro got to school 20 minutes late. There is another parent that gets their child to the school later than I do, and even she beat me today. That was sad. At least the Starbucks was good. Work wasn't too bad either. One of the projects keeping me up at night goes live this weekend. Not to worry, it will be replaced by another project to keep my insomnia going. Got in a mini workout today as well. Wasn't much, but I had to do something to offset Wings Friday.

I think Waze is murdering my battery. It sucks because I was kind of getting into the social aspect of the app, discovering map errors, helping to warn other drivers of cops, accidents, and other hazards, etc. But once it starts running, I can see the battery percentage move down sharply, even after the program is shut off. I have not gotten a car charger yet, but if I plan to continue to use Waze, one will be necessary.

So 3 out of the 4 "genuine" AC chargers came in, and I'm pretty sure they don't have enough amperage to charge the phone at a decent rate. As the old adage goes, "you get what you pay for." It was like $15 for all 4. Oh well, I have AppleCare if they go from undercharging to frying.

New app today was Google Voice. I had a GV app on my Pre, but it only handled notifications when open, so I had Google forward texts to my real number, which was always weird as Google has a bunch of random phone numbers it uses for text forwarding, so the number I was responding to wasn't the person's actual number. This app appears to take care of that. I'll have to try calling my GV number to see how the app handles that.

In bed before 3 for the first time in a few days. Let me take advantage of that. Later!

Friday, November 4, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 20: I've Got The Power

Another long ass work day. At least it was a work from home day. Getting to see the fam's faces always helps. I'm still not 100%, but I didn't get any worse. The bum who does odd yard work for me actually showed up when he said he would and got my leaves up before the rain came, so that was good too.

It's 3 AM Eastern, so this will be yet another quickie. After yesterday's post, a friend told me that if I turned off the automatic time zone feature, that it may help me out, even though I thought I was already good. I turned the time zone thingy off, and got the phone off the charger at 8 AM this morning. I had 3 hour long conference calls, 4 or 5 normal convos, a little heavier than usual texting, probably a little lighter than usual surfing and social networking, some picture and video shooting of the boys, and the download of some app updates and one new app (AppShopper.com has an app). It's a little after 3 and I'm at 9%. Yup, still no complaints from me.

7:15 is coming soon. Let me get what I can before then...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 19: Short on Power

This will be a short one. I've been fighting with a work issue for the last 4 hours to no avail, and I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with something as all I've been doing is clearing my throat repeatedly. I did have a pretty tasty margarita with some coworkers, and when I got home, Fernando greeted me with the biggest smile. So all was not bad today.

A friend asked me about the battery life controversy, and I thought that could be my subject for today. However, my answer is one that Steve Jobs would probably be happy with. When I got my Palm Pre 2.5 years ago, my battery life consisted of about 6 hours, and that was if I didn't do much talking. It took many software updates, and the work of many talented people, most unaffiliated with Palm, to not only speed up the phone, but enhance it in many ways, one of which was a screen state processor governor, where the processor sped up when the screen was on, and slowed down when the screen was off. That got me close to 10 hours, still with minimal phone use. If I had a marathon conference call day when I worked from home, forget it. I had Touchstone chargers everywhere. I had two spare batteries. And I still found myself with a dead phone a few times a week. So I get the iPhone, and I can go somewhere in the realm of 8 - 10 hours on those marathon call days. I can normally get 16 - 18 hours with minimal use. I assume that's bad for previous model and/or OS revision iPhone users, but for me, it's fan-damn-tastic. So whenever they push the .0.1 (or whatever number they come up with) release with the minor bug fixes and most likely battery consumption enhancements, I'll be an even happier camper. I've also got 4 AC chargers one the way, so there will be chargers everywhere that there were Touchstones, but more for my piece of mind than an actual necessity. In conclusion, the weak 4s battery is better than my Pre's strongest battery. I think the new amount of push notifications is what is killing folks' batteries. Shut some of them off and their battery life would probably improve significantly.

That's it. Let me get these few hours of sleep and hopefully not wake up worse than I feel now...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

iPhone 4a Day 18: More Of The Same

Life is feeling a little monotonous right now. I get awoken a bit too early for a work issue, solve it in time to realize that going back to bed would be a waste of time, get the boys up, breakfast, work some more, play with the boys, conference calls, email, naps, play some more, work some more, dinner, bedtime for the boys, hang with wifey, work a little bit more, and then bedtime. I should have fit a workout in there somewhere but I just wasn't feeling it today. I have a vacay coming at the end of the month and it appears I'll need it desperately by then.

Not much new going on with the phone. The second to last person I know who still owns and uses a Pre got her iPhone in so I've only got one person left. We had a little convo where she had forgotten what she wanted to ask me, and I told her she should have had "Siri" remind her. She replied that the iPhone was at home because "it was cold outside." That was a good laugh. The real reason is that she is waiting for her case to come in before taking the phone out of the house, which is not unreasonable to a technology aficionado like myself. I'm sure some people would find that weird.

Oh I almost forgot: the phone suffered its second drop today and it was in spectacular fashion. The early morning call I got, I basically sleep walk to the work laptop downstairs, put the phone on top of the laptop lid which is closed, sit down, and then fling the laptop lid open. I might have screamed like a school girl if I were more awake. Once again the case did its job. I did notice that the screen protector has suffered some puncture type marks, but upon closer inspection, the marks don't go all the way through, making it too well worth the money. I assume the marks are probably from my keys.

I did download one app, eVite. Unfortunately I have forgotten my password for eVite, and when I did the forgot password routine, it sent me a link that when viewed on this contraption, sent me to a login page again instead of a password reset screen. I'll try a desktop tomorrow.

Aight, I'm fighting a little cold that I think the boys gave me. Let me allow this NyQuil to work its magic.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 17: Trick or Treat

Another long day. Worked out a little too hard for the amount of sleep I got. Fernando did require my attention after I did yesterday's post, so it was more like 3.25 hours of sleep. Isandro and his Grandma (my wife's mom, my mom goes by Grammie) came over yesterday and made muffin for Isandro and we took them in for snack today much to everyone's delight. Starbucks was extra tasty today, probably due to my lack of sleep. Work was hectic but I got out pretty close to on time so I could go with the two cutest trick-or-treaters (I'm on the Blogger app, so pics at the bottom). We live in the pseudo-hood so we travel to nicer neighborhoods for our candy. Isandro was a self made superhero and Fernando was a parrot. Isandro is still not about the scary side of Halloween, but he definitely approached more houses this year, in part to his classmates who were out with us. Fortunately or unfortunately, Isandro doesn't eat much sweets, so that's more for me and Mommy.

Another day of nothing new with the phone. Some email reading, the Starbucks app, some Words with Friends, a conf call, sime navigation, some social networking, some surfing, etc, etc, blah blah blah. You get the point.

Look at that, I can make it bed and get like 6 or 7 hours before one of the children ring the alarm. Happy Halloween!