Friday, October 21, 2011

iPhone 4s Day 6: My first real annoyance

Today was a slow day iPhone-wise. Busy as hell work-wise. This is my other work from home day, so the boys and I did our usual hanging out, minus the time Isandro went to a pizza party at his preschool.

I downloaded a few apps: Google Search, Groupon, ScoutMob, Where, and LivingSocial. I erased my Pre today and turned it into a wifi only device. I miss a physical keyboard, but I'm getting used to this thing. I do wish my default keyboard was the one that pops up when you input an email address so that the period key would be available without switching to the number/symbol keyboard. I wonder if that's an option somewhere.

For the people reading this that own iPhones, I have a question: how do you organize your apps? I've thought of a few ways but what I think I've settled on is two, maybe three pages, the first page having my most used apps with a few groupings for social networking apps, music apps, sports apps, and game apps, and the second page have a bunch of groupings (currently I have finance, entertainment, shopping, travel, books, and utilities groupings) as well as any apps that don't fit in a category yet. At the bottom I have the Phone, Messaging, Safari, and Good apps. I might trade Safari for the Email app, not sure yet. But that's what I've got now. I'd love to hear how you all do it. You can tell me about the app organization too.

So now for my annoyance with the iPhone that will also lead into the Pre vs iPhone battle of the day. I'm watching Hung on HBO Go and my battery hits 20%. I get the pop up notification that my battery is dying, but the notification STOPS MY SHOW! I'm bitching about this to my wife (who owns an iPod Touch) and she has an app that plays ambient sounds and if someone plays their turn on Words With Friends, her sounds stop. She has apparently just gotten used to it. I am outraged. My Pre would pop up a banner at the bottom about my battery, but it would stop nothing to tell me that. Hopefully there is a setting to modify this behavior because that is annoying as hell. Remember Steve Jobs' response to the antenna issue? "You're holding the phone wrong." I feel like his answer to this would have been "keep your battery charged...dumbass." I don't think I could argue that, at least the battery charged part. But the Pre wins this one, although I do like the pull down notification center. I feel like the mini icons across the bottom that the Pre had let you know what you were being notified about without having an extra step. The notification badges on the app icons are cool too, but if you're not on the page with that app, you could miss that as well.

That's about it. I heard about another person I know going through a separation and/or divorce. That would be the 4th one in a month's time. It kind of bummed me out for a bit today. Anyone who tells you marriage is easy hasn't been married very long. I hope it all works out for them. Ok that's it for real. I can still get 6 hours of sleep if I stop now.


  1. Everytime I pick up my husband's Pre+, I have to think for a minute about how to type before I remember there's a keyboard.

    Okay, do remember the hype with Pre was that it multi-tasked, right? That was the whole reason some people went with Pre. That was the "shiny" that drew me in. Every other phone does one thing at a time & always has.

  2. I had a Pre for almost 2.5 years. The days of doing one thing at a time were a distant memory until they were recently shoved back into my face. I would like to play a video and have it keep going while I check my email and get notified that my battery is about to die. I'm taking mt tiara off now...
